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xj 2023-04-20


1、to be a Diana是什么意思?有什么缘故? 2、求英文版月神狄安娜的故事 3、奥林匹斯星传共多少集?每集的名字是什么? 4、古希腊罗马神话中狄安娜和谁结婚了,最好给点她和他的资料 to be a Diana是什么意思?有什么缘故?

在英语里,人们用to be a Diana来表示“终身不嫁;小姑独处;独身”。如:

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were many girls who thought that to be a Diana meant to be independent.


Since she is still a Diana, I believe she has made up her mind to lead apes in the hell.



狄安娜(Diana)是罗马神话里的月亮女神和狩猎女神,相当于希腊神话里的阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis)。狄安娜的父亲是主神宙斯(Zeus),她和太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)是孪生兄妹,与阿波罗一样喜欢森林、草原。在他们出世不久,就合力杀死了欺负母亲勒托(Leto)的巨莽、巨人提提俄斯(Tityus)及夸耀自己孩子的尼俄柏(Niobe)的所有子女。狄安娜身材修长、匀称,相貌美丽,又是处女的保护神,所以她的名字常成为“贞洁处女”的同义词。狄安娜喜欢在森林中狩猎。一次狄安娜正在林中沐浴,误被闯入的猎人阿克泰翁(Actaeon)看到,狄安娜大怒,就把他变成一只鹿,他的猎犬把这只鹿撕个粉碎。可怜的阿克泰翁就这样无辜死去。关于这个故事,罗马诗人奥维德(Ovid, 43BC-17AD)在《变形记》中有这样的评价:“一般人对此事看法不一,有的认为狄安娜太残忍,有的认为这样做适合她处女的身份……”。狄安娜一生中只爱过一个人,他就是美少年恩底弥翁(Endymion)。一天晚上月亮女神狄安娜在高高的天上,发现在人间一座庙宇前的台阶上睡着一位俊美的少年,她被他深深地吸引,忍不住下来吻他,自此狄安娜坠入情网,每天晚上都要下来吻一下这位少年。美神维纳斯(Venus)告诉狄安娜,凡人的美丽与青春是不能长驻的,他的父亲宙斯可以使这个年轻人永荐青春,但必须永远处于睡眠之中,狄安娜去请求宙斯,宙斯答应了。从此,狄安娜每天晚上都会下来吻一下沉睡的恩底弥翁,心中永远保存着一份纯洁而浪漫的爱情。

后来狄安娜拒绝了众多求婚者,不愿结婚,宣称自己特别热爱自由,愿意与森林中的仙女们永远生活在一起,终生未嫁。所以在英语里,人们用to be a Diana来表示“终身不嫁;小姑独处;独身”。


话说月神在希腊神话中不叫Diana (狄安娜),而是叫 Artemis (阿提密斯)。狄安娜是罗马神话里的人物,不是希腊。


Artemis is the Greek goddess of the Moon and the hunt. She is also one of the virgin goddesses, and She protects women in labor, small children and wild animals. As a virgin goddess, She, Hestia, and Athena are not affected by Aphrodite’s (Greek goddess of love) manipulations.


Artemis can easily be identified wearing her short tunic with flat-heeled sandals with a bags of arrows on her back. She is associated with many of the animals of the wild including the bear, the boar, the stag, the goat and packs of dogs. She is the goddess of the hunt and is thus associated with death, bows and arrows and youth. Her arrows, often used in the hunt, serve several other purposes as well. Artemis is said to have the power to infect people with a plague with her arrows as well as use them to punish those who have wronged her. She is associated with childbirth and may use her arrows to relieve those in labor. Artemis is also associated with the crescent moon, which she sometimes wears upon her head. Artemis, like Athena, is a chaste goddess and her many followers take vows of chastity while under the service of Artemis.



Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo (sun and moon). Artemis was generally viewed as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, although there is a myth that she is the daughter of Demeter (the name of the father was lost to antiquity).


Being associated with chastity, Artemis at an early age (in one legend she was three years old) asked her father, the great god Zeus, to grant her eternal virginity. Also, all her companions were virgins. Artemis was very protective of her purity, and gave grave punishment to any man who attempted to dishonor her in any form. Actaeon, while out hunting, accidentally came upon Artemis and her nymphs, who bathing naked in a secluded pool. Seeing them in all their naked beauty, the stunned Actaeon stopped and gazed at them, but when Artemis saw him ogling them, she transformed him into a stag. Then, incensed with disgust, she set his own hounds upon him. They chased and killed what they thought was another stag, but it was their master. As with Orion, a giant and a great hunter, there are several legends which tell of his death, one involving Artemis. It is said that he tried to rape the virgin goddess, so killed him with her bow and arrows. Another says she conjured up a scorpion which killed Orion and his dog. Orion became a constellation in the night sky, and his dog became Sirius, the dog star. Yet another version says it was the scorpion which stung him and was transformed into the constellation with Orion, the later being Scorpio. Artemis was enraged when one of her nymphs, Callisto, allowed Zeus to seduce her, but the great god approached her in one of his guises; he came in the form of Artemis. The young nymph was unwittingly tricked, and she gave birth to Arcas, the ancestor of the Arcadians, but Artemis showed no mercy and changed her into a bear. She then shot and killed her. As Orion, she was sent up to the heavens, and became the constellation of the Great Bear (which is also known as the Plough).

Artemis was very possessive. She would show her wrath on anyone who disobeyed her wishes, especially against her sacred animals. Even the great hero Agamemnon came upon the wrath of Artemis, when he killed a stag in her sacred grove. His punishment came when his ships were becalmed, while he made his way to besiege Troy. With no winds to sail his ships he was told by the seer Calchas that the only way Artemis would bring back the winds was for him to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia. Some versions say he did sacrifice Iphigenia, others that Artemis exchanged a deer in her place, and took Iphigenia to the land of the Tauri (the Crimea) as a priestess, to prepare strangers for sacrifice to Artemis.

Artemis with her twin brother, Apollo, put to death the children of Niobe. The reason being that Niobe, a mere mortal, had boasted to Leto, the mother of the pine twins, that she had bore more children, which must make her superior to Leto. Apollo being outraged at such an insult on his mother, informed Artemis. The twin gods hunted them down and shot them with their bows and arrows; Apollo killed the male children and Artemis the girls.

奥利文是那个狩猎的ORION吧?他们相爱的故事我不怎么清楚,但倒是很多关于Artemis 为何杀死Orion的故事。


Artemis was responsible for the death of talented hunter by the name of Orion. There are many conflicting stories about why she killed him, but each story ends with the same sad fate for Orion. One account states that Orion tried to rape Artemis and she shot him with her arrows in retaliation. A second account declares that Orion boasted that he would kill all of the wild animals on earth, which prompted Artemis to send a scorpion to bring about his death. A third account claims that Orion tried to ravish the virgin goddess and she sent a scorpion to bite him, thus getting her revenge. A fourth account dares to claim that Artemis fell in love with Orion and that Apollo became jealous. One day while the twins were hunting in Crete Apollo spotted Orion swimming far out in the sea. Apollo, knowing that it was Orion, challenged his sister to hit the distant object with her arrow. Artemis, being the great huntress and an excellent shot, accepted her brother's challenge and pierced Orion's temple, thus causing the death of her beloved. When Artemis realized what she had done, she made amends by placing him in the sky as the constellation Orion.




第一集 奥林匹斯的神

第二集 普罗米修斯与火

第三集 潘多拉的盒子

第四集 爱情与灵魂(1)

第五集 爱情与灵魂(2)

第六集 最美的女神

第七集 雅典娜与阿尔克墨涅

第八集 偷牛的赫耳墨斯

第九集 阿塔兰忒故事

第十集 月桂树的爱情

第十一集 帕屋琦斯与匹莱梦

第十二集 柏勒洛丰和珀伽索斯

第十三集 珀耳修斯的冒险(1)

第十四集 珀耳修斯的冒险(2)

第十五集 伊卡洛斯的翅膀

第十六集 宙斯与伊俄

第十七集 卡得摩斯和阿瑞斯的龙

第十八集 艾科和那罗基索斯

第十九集 黄金手弥达斯

第二十集 佛里克索斯和赫勒

第二十一集 俄耳甫斯和欧律狄克

第二十二集 哈得斯的爱情

第二十三集 英雄赫拉克勒斯的诞生

第二十四集 英雄赫拉克勒斯的十二项任务

第二十五集 英雄赫拉克勒斯的复活

第二十六集 狄安娜的爱情

第二十七集 阿耳戈远征队五十名英雄

第二十八集 阿耳戈远征队—寻找黄金羊毛

第二十九集 忒修斯和米诺特罗斯

第三十集 法厄同的太阳马车

第三十一集 奥德修斯的冒险(1)

第三十二集 奥德修斯的冒险(2)

第三十三集 奥德修斯的冒险(3)

第三十四集 阿喀琉斯的故事

第三十五集 特洛伊的木马

第三十六集 厄俄斯与梯托诺斯

第三十七集 没有讲完的故事——花

第三十八集 怪兽的故事

第三十九集 星座的故事























所以说他没有结婚`为了这个事情 月神在也不和太阳神见面``所以有太阳的时候就看不见月亮`有月亮的时候自然看不见太阳`


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标签: 狄安娜的爱情(狄安娜的爱情奥林匹斯星传)

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