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xj 2023-04-07


1、谁能帮我写份《呼啸山庄》和《简爱》的英文简介?要英文的,,快有急用,,谢谢 2、有英语高手能用英文对《爱丽斯漫游仙境 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 》作一下评论吗,谢了先 3、潘多拉之心shaded by the flowers怎么翻译 谁能帮我写份《呼啸山庄》和《简爱》的英文简介?要英文的,,快有急用,,谢谢



Nineteenth Century England was characterized by unique moral, political, and social beliefs. In turn, such beliefs shaped how inpiduals viewed such things as marriage and class pisions. Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre can be seen as a snapshot in history, a social commentary which subtly reveals a distaste for traditional Victorian beliefs. The novel follows the life of Jane Eyre from childhood through adolescence and adulthood. She is portrayed as a female heroine who oversteps the gender and class barriers of her time to pursue and secure her own happiness.


I read the Alice's adventures in wonderland these days when I get bored. I have read a half of this now. The book is really interesting from study English and read story to see.

Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation'.

So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

There was nothing so VERY remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so VERY much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!'.

'We're all mad here,' said the Cat. 'I'm mad. You're mad.'

'How do you know that I'm mad?'said Alice.

'Of course you're mad,' said the Cat. 'Only mad people come here.'

They were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled on the bank--the birds with draggled feathers, the animals with their fur clinging close to them, and all dripping wet, cross, and uncomfortable.

The first question of course was, how to get dry again: they had a consultation about this, and after a few minutes it seemed quite natural to Alice to find herself talking familiarly with them, as if she had known them all her life. Indeed, she had quite a long argument with the Lory, who at last turned sulky, and would only say, 'I am older than you, and must know better'; and this Alice would not allow without knowing how old it was, and, as the Lory positively refused to tell its age, there was no more to be said.

At last the Mouse, who seemed to be a person of authority among them, called out, 'Sit down, all of you, and listen to me! I'LL soon make you dry enough!' They all sat down at once, in a large ring, with the Mouse in the middle. Alice kept her eyes anxiously fixed on it, for she felt sure she would catch a bad cold if she did not get dry very soon.


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children's literature by the British mathematician and author, Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures.

The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson's friends and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize. The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that has made the story of lasting popularity with children as well as adults.

The book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland. Some printings of this title contain both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking Glass. This alternate title was popularized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years.

A girl named Alice is bored while on a picnic with her older sister. She finds interest in a passing white rabbit, dressed in a waistcoat and muttering "I'm late!", whom she follows down a rabbit-hole, floating down into a dream underworld of paradox, the absurd and the improbable. As she attempts to follow the rabbit, she has several misadventures. She grows to gigantic size and shrinks to a fraction of her original height; meets a group of small animals stranded in a sea of her own previously shed tears; gets trapped in the rabbit's house when she enlarges herself again; meets a baby which changes into a pig, and a cat which disappears leaving only his smile behind; goes to a never-ending tea party; plays a bizarre variation on croquet with an anthropomorphised deck of cards; goes to the shore and meets a Gryphon and a Mock Turtle; and finally attends the courtroom trial of the Knave of Hearts, who has been accused of stealing some tarts. Eventually Alice wakes up underneath a tree back with her sister.

Character allusions

The members of the boating party that first heard Carroll's tale all show up in Chapter 3 ("A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale") in one form or another. There is, of course, Alice herself, while Carroll, or Charles Dodgson, is caricatured as the Dodo. The Duck refers to Rev. Robinson Duckworth, the Lory to Lorina Liddell, and the Eaglet to Edith Liddell.

Bill the Lizard may be a play on the name of Benjamin Disraeli. One of Tenniel's illustrations in Through the Looking Glass depicts a caricature of Disraeli, wearing a paper hat, as a passenger on a train. The illustrations of the Lion and the Unicorn also bear a striking resemblance to Tenniel's Punch illustrations of Gladstone and Disraeli.

The Hatter is most likely a reference to Theophilus Carter, a furniture dealer known in Oxford for his unorthodox inventions. Tenniel apparently drew the Hatter to resemble Carter, on a suggestion of Carroll's.

The Dormouse tells a story about three little sisters named Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie. These are the Liddell sisters: Elsie is L.C. (Lorina Charlotte), Tillie is Edith (her family nickname is Matilda), and Lacie is an anagram of Alice.

The Mock Turtle speaks of a Drawling-master, "an old conger eel," that used to come once a week to teach "Drawling, Stretching, and Fainting in Coils." This is a reference to the art critic John Ruskin, who came once a week to the Liddell house to teach the children drawing, sketching, and painting in oils. (The children did, in fact, learn well; Alice Liddell, for one, produced a number of skilled watercolours.)

The Mock Turtle also sings "Turtle Soup." This is a parody of a song called "Star of the Evening, Beautiful Star," which was performed as a trio by Lorina, Alice and Edith Liddell for Lewis Carroll in the Liddell home during the same summer in which he first told the story of Alice's Adventures Under Ground (source: the diary of Lewis Carroll, August 1, 1862 entry).


The book, although broadly and continually received in a positive light, has also caught a large amount of derision for its strange and random tone (which is also the reason so many others like it). One of the best-known critics is fantasy writer Terry Pratchett, who has openly stated that he dislikes the book [1].


Genre: fantasy or horror?

"Children are put off by Alice’s underground adventures not because they cannot understand them; in fact, they frequently understand them too well. Indeed they often find the book a terrifying experience, rarely relieved by the comic spirit they can clearly perceive."

— Donald Rackin, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass Nonsense, Sense, and Meaning

The most common perspective on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is that it is a whimsical fantasy. However, there is disagreement with this perspective. To a number of people, the book does not characterize whim and fantasy, but rather horror and self-sustaining Kafkesque insanity. The comedy of the book, while clearly visible, does not mitigate the fact, but rather causes it to stand out by perverse contrast.

Taken from this perspective, the novel (as well as Through the Looking-Glass) is a sinister, pernicious world characterized by persons who exist fully by a self-sustaining logic that exists without reference to outside influence, including the influence of a sane, rational, and moral mind. By this perspective, at its essence, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is not a dream but a surreal nightmare involving loss of control, inability to communicate or reason, rampant uncontrolled change of one's self and everything around, and a total inability to gain any foundation in the world.

It is noteworthy that in both novels, people suffer for no reason. The White Rabbit has an air of deposed aristocracy, the Queen of Hearts orders executions for no reason other than her own irritation and enjoyment, the Hatter exists in a never ending tea party because he got in a fight with Time and it imprisoned him in Tuesday at 3:00, etc. Many of these are parables for the society of the time. For instance, from Through the Looking-Glass, the parable of The Walrus and the Carpenter appears to be a parable about the treatment of children and child-labor.

Thus, the very thing that produces appeal and wonder in the book for many people terrifies others. It is a world that exists in different cells, each with internally consistent rules that don't conform to any of the others, each continuing on its way with anything running from apathy to malice, and each able to persist in its state indefinitely. From a child's perspective, if one were to fall down a rabbit hole today one could easily encounter the very same terrifying Wonderland Alice did, changed in only the most vestigial of ways.

American McGee actually stated in an interview that he did a dark version of Alice because the books were dark to begin with.

有英语高手能用英文对《爱丽斯漫游仙境 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 》作一下评论吗,谢了先

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children's literature by the British mathematician and author, Reverend Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, written under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm populated by talking playing cards and anthropomorphic creatures.

The tale is fraught with satirical allusions to Dodgson's friends and to the lessons that British schoolchildren were expected to memorize. The Wonderland described in the tale plays with logic in ways that has made the story of lasting popularity with children as well as adults.

The book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland. Some printings of this title contain both Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking Glass. This alternate title was popularized by the numerous film and television adaptations of the story produced over the years.

A girl named Alice is bored while on a picnic with her older sister. She finds interest in a passing white rabbit, dressed in a waistcoat and muttering "I'm late!", whom she follows down a rabbit-hole, floating down into a dream underworld of paradox, the absurd and the improbable. As she attempts to follow the rabbit, she has several misadventures. She grows to gigantic size and shrinks to a fraction of her original height; meets a group of small animals stranded in a sea of her own previously shed tears; gets trapped in the rabbit's house when she enlarges herself again; meets a baby which changes into a pig, and a cat which disappears leaving only his smile behind; goes to a never-ending tea party; plays a bizarre variation on croquet with an anthropomorphised deck of cards; goes to the shore and meets a Gryphon and a Mock Turtle; and finally attends the courtroom trial of the Knave of Hearts, who has been accused of stealing some tarts. Eventually Alice wakes up underneath a tree back with her sister.

Character allusions


The members of the boating party that first heard Carroll's tale all show up in Chapter 3 ("A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale") in one form or another. There is, of course, Alice herself, while Carroll, or Charles Dodgson, is caricatured as the Dodo. The Duck refers to Rev. Robinson Duckworth, the Lory to Lorina Liddell, and the Eaglet to Edith Liddell.

Bill the Lizard may be a play on the name of Benjamin Disraeli. One of Tenniel's illustrations in Through the Looking Glass depicts a caricature of Disraeli, wearing a paper hat, as a passenger on a train. The illustrations of the Lion and the Unicorn also bear a striking resemblance to Tenniel's Punch illustrations of Gladstone and Disraeli.

The Hatter is most likely a reference to Theophilus Carter, a furniture dealer known in Oxford for his unorthodox inventions. Tenniel apparently drew the Hatter to resemble Carter, on a suggestion of Carroll's.

The Dormouse tells a story about three little sisters named Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie. These are the Liddell sisters: Elsie is L.C. (Lorina Charlotte), Tillie is Edith (her family nickname is Matilda), and Lacie is an anagram of Alice.

The Mock Turtle speaks of a Drawling-master, "an old conger eel," that used to come once a week to teach "Drawling, Stretching, and Fainting in Coils." This is a reference to the art critic John Ruskin, who came once a week to the Liddell house to teach the children drawing, sketching, and painting in oils. (The children did, in fact, learn well; Alice Liddell, for one, produced a number of skilled watercolours.)

The Mock Turtle also sings "Turtle Soup." This is a parody of a song called "Star of the Evening, Beautiful Star," which was performed as a trio by Lorina, Alice and Edith Liddell for Lewis Carroll in the Liddell home during the same summer in which he first told the story of Alice's Adventures Under Ground (source: the diary of Lewis Carroll, August 1, 1862 entry).


The book, although broadly and continually received in a positive light, has also caught a large amount of derision for its strange and random tone (which is also the reason so many others like it). One of the best-known critics is fantasy writer Terry Pratchett, who has openly stated that he dislikes the book [1].


Genre: fantasy or horror?

"Children are put off by Alice’s underground adventures not because they cannot understand them; in fact, they frequently understand them too well. Indeed they often find the book a terrifying experience, rarely relieved by the comic spirit they can clearly perceive."

— Donald Rackin, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass Nonsense, Sense, and Meaning

The most common perspective on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is that it is a whimsical fantasy. However, there is disagreement with this perspective. To a number of people, the book does not characterize whim and fantasy, but rather horror and self-sustaining Kafkesque insanity. The comedy of the book, while clearly visible, does not mitigate the fact, but rather causes it to stand out by perverse contrast.

Taken from this perspective, the novel (as well as Through the Looking-Glass) is a sinister, pernicious world characterized by persons who exist fully by a self-sustaining logic that exists without reference to outside influence, including the influence of a sane, rational, and moral mind. By this perspective, at its essence, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is not a dream but a surreal nightmare involving loss of control, inability to communicate or reason, rampant uncontrolled change of one's self and everything around, and a total inability to gain any foundation in the world.

It is noteworthy that in both novels, people suffer for no reason. The White Rabbit has an air of deposed aristocracy, the Queen of Hearts orders executions for no reason other than her own irritation and enjoyment, the Hatter exists in a never ending tea party because he got in a fight with Time and it imprisoned him in Tuesday at 3:00, etc. Many of these are parables for the society of the time. For instance, from Through the Looking-Glass, the parable of The Walrus and the Carpenter appears to be a parable about the treatment of children and child-labor.

Thus, the very thing that produces appeal and wonder in the book for many people terrifies others. It is a world that exists in different cells, each with internally consistent rules that don't conform to any of the others, each continuing on its way with anything running from apathy to malice, and each able to persist in its state indefinitely. From a child's perspective, if one were to fall down a rabbit hole today one could easily encounter the very same terrifying Wonderland Alice did, changed in only the most vestigial of ways.

American McGee actually stated in an interview that he did a dark version of Alice because the books were dark to begin with.


Works influenced

Main article: Works influenced by Alice in Wonderland

Alice and the rest of Wonderland continue to inspire or influence many other works of art to this day—sometimes indirectly; via the Disney movie, for example. The character of the plucky yet proper Alice has proven immensely popular and inspired similar heroines in literature and pop culture, many also named Alice in homage.


潘多拉之心shaded by the flowers怎么翻译

蕾西 蕾西 出自《潘朵拉之心》长度:1分钟40秒(钢琴) 2分40秒(八音盒) Everytime you kissed me 《蕾西》英文版 4分59秒 演唱者:Emily Bindiger [编辑本段]LACIE资料 姓名:蕾西 性别:女 出自:动漫作品《潘多拉之心》 潘多拉之心中“蕾西”最初被提到是作为杰克所制的怀表(兼八音盒)中的乐曲。乐曲“蕾西”为格连所作。蕾西很喜欢这首曲子。同时也曾经救过格连。“但是,因为她会吟唱着那旋律,说她喜欢这曲子,对我微笑。所以,我——”——格连 在贝萨流士家中有蕾西的墓碑。100年前,杰克·贝萨流士曾带着还是人类的爱丽丝去过蕾西的坟墓。杰克每次去的时候都会播放“蕾西”这首曲子,据杰克说“是代替格连所做的,类似一种仪式。” “这世界,对我而言,原本等同于吞噬一切的黑暗。但,因为有她在,因为,她找到了我,我才从潘多拉的盒子里找到了希望。可是,世界又再次夺走了我的希望。失去了希望的潘多拉之盒,那里面是不是只剩下绝望了呢……?……不对,什么都不存在了。如果说一切希望都被夺走了,那么就连绝望也都不会寻在了——”由此可见,蕾西对格连来说,是十分重要的存在。 英文版蕾西 Everytime you kissed me 词·曲:梶浦由记 歌:Emily Bindiger 潘朵拉之心最终话插曲。 发售日期: 2009年9月30日。 收录专辑:《Pandora Hearts O.S.T.2》 1 Reminisce TVサントラ 2 everytime you kissed me エミリー?ビンディガー 3 Wrapped in darkness TVサントラ 4 Pandora hearts expanded 贝田由里子 5 Open TVサントラ 6 Wave motion TVサントラ 7 The relief TVサントラ 8 Restrain 笠原由里 9 Limits 笠原由里 10 Dash TVサントラ 11 In the dark TVサントラ 12 Reveal TVサントラ 13 A shadow 贝田由里子 14 Beside TVサントラ 15 Narrate TVサントラ 16 Melody 2 TVサントラ 17 Cradle TVサントラ 18 Gravel TVサントラ 19 Fountain TVサントラ 20 Do it later TVサントラ 21 Naughty TVサントラ 22 Miracle TVサントラ 23 Revolve TVサントラ 24 Confidence TVサントラ 25 Reminisce 2 TVサントラ 26 Maze Karaoke with ああ(bonus track) ああ 27 Maze Karaoke with 近江知永(bonus track) 近江知永 Everytime you kissed me歌词及参考翻译 Everytime you kissed me 每当你亲吻我的时候 I trembled like a child 我像一个孩子似地发抖 gathering the roses 收集一朵朵玫瑰 we sang for the hope 我们为希望而歌唱着 your very voice is in my heartbeat 你独特的声音铭刻在我的心跳里 sweeter than my dream 比我的梦还甜美 we were there, in everylasting bloom 我们在这里,永恒地绽放着 roses die, 玫瑰凋落, the secret is inside the pain 秘密隐藏在伤痛之中 winds are high up on the hill 风肆虐着山丘 I cannot hear you 让我听不见你的声音 come and hold me close 来到我身边,靠近我吧 I'm shivering cold in the heart of rain 我的心在雨中冷得发抖 darkness falls, I'm calling for the dawn 黑暗降临,我呼唤着黎明 silver dishes for the memories,for the days gone by 为怀念逝去的日子,我将记忆装在银色的盘子里, singing for the promises 为诺言而歌唱 tomorrow may bring 明天能够到来 I harbour all the old affection 我庇护着所有的旧感情 roses of the past 以及曾经的鲜艳玫瑰 darkness falls, and summer will be gone 黑暗降临,夏日也将消逝了 joys of the daylight 晨曦的愉悦 shadows of the starlight 星光的倩影 everything was sweet by your side, my love 所有事物在我爱的你身边,都是甜美的。 ruby tears have come to me, for your last words 红宝石般的音色来到我身边,为了你最后的话语 I'm here just singing my song of woe 我只是在这里唱着歌颂爱的歌谣 waiting for you, my love 我等着你,我的爱。 now let my happiness sing inside my dream.... 现在让我在梦中唱出我的幸福吧…… Everytime you kissed me 每当你亲吻我的时候 my heart was in such pain 我的心像受了重伤 gathering the roses 收集一朵朵玫瑰 we sang of the grief 我们唱出忧伤 your very voice is in my heartbeat 你独特的声音铭刻在我的心跳里 sweeter than despair 比绝望更甜美 we were there, in everylasting bloom 我们在这里,永恒地绽放着 underneath the stars 在繁星之下 shaded by the flowers 在鲜花遮蔽之下 kiss me in the summer gloom, my love 在夏日的黑暗里亲吻我吧,我的爱 you are all my pleasure, my hope and my song 你是我所有的快乐、希望与诗歌 I will be here dreaming in the past 我将于此,在曾经里做梦 until you come 直到你出现 until we close our eyes 直到我们的眼睛互相靠近…… 很高兴为你解答。



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