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xj 2023-07-31


1、中国最强用英文如何说? 2、帮写一篇中国之最.....是英文 3、用英语表示中国之最 4、用英语介绍中国之最 5、用英语比较级中的最高级写出五个中国之最和五个世界之最!!!急!!! 6、中国的英语是? 中国最强用英文如何说?

China is the most powerful country in the world.中国在世界上是最强大的国家。


不知道你需要什么水平的作文,这里提供一篇写the Great Wall:

The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon, is one of the great wonders of the world.

Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces——Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu and two autonomous regions——Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.


The Great Wall is pided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the piding line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors.

The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze.

A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night. Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications.

Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the inpidual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.


the longest river---Changjiang River the biggest mountain---the Himalayas the longest force buliding--- the Great Wall the biggest Library --- Beijing Library the biggest city---Shanghai City the biggest fishing ground ---Zhoushan fishing ground the biggest saltern ---Changlu Saltern the biggest oil field---Daqing Oil field


The Great Wall is most long of China 中国最长的城墙是长城

The Forbidden City is most complete imperial palace of China故宫是中国的最完整的皇宫

Potala Palace is an altitude most high of China 布达拉宫是中国海拔最高的

Leshan Grand Buddha is most big Stone Buddha of China 乐山大佛是中国最大的石头佛

Shanghai is most big city of China 上海是中国最大的城市

Xinjiang is most big province of China新疆是中国最大的省

Macao is most small province of China 澳门是中国最小的省

Chongqing is most big mountain city of China 重庆是中国最大的山城

Jo-mo glang-ma is most high of China珠穆朗玛峰是中国之最

Qinghai Lake is most big saltwater lake of China青海湖是中国最大的咸水湖







In 1, the world's longest city wall -- the great wall of china.

In 2, the world's oldest things -- the Silk Road trade route.

In 3, the world 's largest city wall of Ming Dynasty -- precincts of Stone City in Nanjing.

In 4, the highest in the world of the Tropic of cancer symbol tower -- Guangdong Conghua North regression symbol tower.

In 5, the world of rice planting area north of huma County -- Heilongjiang

















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