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盘点:史上最奇葩的吉尼斯纪录(5 truly bizarre Guinness World Records )

xj 2023-04-04

网站小编空城旧忆据网络最新关于“盘点:史上最奇葩的吉尼斯纪录(5 truly bizarre Guinness World Records )”报道资料整理发布相关事件细节!导读:网站小编根据网络最新关于“盘点:史上最奇葩的吉尼斯纪录 5 truly bizarre Guinness World Records ”的报道资料整理发布相关细节内容!让我们一起来看看吧.




1. The most toilet seats broken by someone's head in one minute.


Usually, folks want to keep their heads as far away from a toilet seat as possible. But someone had other ideas: The record for most wooden toilet seats broken with their head was set in 2007 by Kevin Shelley of Germany. (And FYI, the record stands at 46.)


2. The heaviest weights lifted by (unexpected) body parts.


Apparently, upper-body strength isn’t enough for some. There are several Guinness World Records for the most weights lifted by many different body parts, the most bonkers of which come from places you probably wouldn't expect.


For example, the record for heaviest weight lifted by tongue is 13 kilograms, and it belongs to Thomas Blackthorne, who established it in 2022 on the set of Lo Show Dei Record in Milan, Italy. Another one you probably didn't anticipate? Manjit Singh of the UK was able to lift 16.2 kgs using just an eye socket. Singh also holds the record for the most weight (24 kgs) lifted using both eye sockets.


3. The fastest time to burst three balloons with the back.


This record certainly requires that you have amazing flexibility. In June 2020, Vaishnavi S of India—a yoga lover since childhood—managed to burst three balloons using just her back in 6.84 seconds.


4. The most T-shirts removed while heading a football.


Yes, by football they mean soccer ball. Apparently, this is what some people use their soccer skills for when they can’t make it professionally. The record is 22 shirts and is held by Marcelo Ribeiro da Silva of Mexico.


5. The longest distance pulled by a horse or car while on fire.


This one may just take the cake for the most bizarre. Neither part of this record—being dragged by a horse or being set on fire—seems at all appealing. In 2017, professional stuntman Josef Tödtling from Austria entered the Guinness World Records when he managed to get dragged 1640.42 feet by a horse while he was ablaze. His human torch act inspired another record: He managed to log the farthest distance (a full 1909.45 feet, to be exact) pulled by a vehicle while being personally engulfed by flames.


英文来源:Mental Floss



以上就是网站小编空城旧忆据网络最新关于“盘点:史上最奇葩的吉尼斯纪录(5 truly bizarre Guinness World Records )”报道资料整理发布相关事件细节!

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标签: 盘点:史上最奇葩的吉尼斯纪录 5 truly bizarre Guinness World Records

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